Here I am, Pooja, your tarot card reader. I read tarot cards online and offline for people who are seeking guidance and help. I also do general reading for my followers. 

Today’s readings are as follows:

There is a strong message today that I sense. I hope whoever finds this message can relate to it.


i. 10 of Swords in reverse 

ii. Queen of Pentacles in reverse 

iii. Wheel of fortune 

iv. 4 of Pentacles in reverse 

v. High Priestess in reverse 

vi. Page of Pentacles 

I like the Wheel of Fortune and Page of Pentacles in the center, which highlight what's coming. The shift is coming, communication, new beginnings, the ending of karmic cycles, sowing new seeds to grow, receiving messages, and destiny favoring us even if it is in disguise. Something good is always there. We all need to find value in it.

I see a lot of pentacles, so this big shift is definitely around your stability, money, social status, property, venture, etc.

In scenario one, I see two feminine energies despite the gender. The story line unfolds between these two, who have not been able to exercise their powers. The Queen of Pentacles brings a lot of money, wisdom, and nurturing. And the High Priestess brings spiritual wisdom. The battle between these two is coming to an end today. The loss two are facing separately has to come to a conclusion together because it is mutual. The Queen, in reverse, is giving up on the ego of being a provider and nurturer. And the High Priestess is giving up on the silence, maintaining secrecy, and holding back. So there has been a hot and cold behavior going on that will come to a resolution. The Wheel and High Priestess will lead to the revelation of truth and the necessary talks to come out.

Scenario two, where the flow is from the Queen of Pentacles towards the High Priestess. Where the intention of renewing and starting afresh is from the queen's side with the High Priestess.

Open up, talk, and loosen your grip on what you actually hold—the value you hold. So the solution is to turn it around to what suits you and not them. What is important to you serves you, not them. Don't let others siphon your energy. Let the wheel reveal what is going on behind the scenes, and seek help from your ancestors to keep such energy vampires away from your energy field.

Although it looks like the queen of Pentacles after a battle, she owes the High Priestess a message, an apology, or clarification to start afresh. That fight actually led the high priestess to let go and refuse to talk.

For everyone in general, the lesson here is that instead of praising ego, strife, and silence, praise union and solution.

Have a great everybody ❤️ 

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