Guess what your whole mind, body, and soul are in need of a reboot, and how you can do it is all in this article.

While fine lines and wrinkles are aging signs for our face, fatigue is a type of aging sign for our body. Fatigue makes you feel lousy, weak, and lazy all the time. To combat both skin and body aging, you need to try this tiny nature-gifted fruit—gooseberry.

In India, gooseberries are called amla, and they are famous for their benefits and positive changes in physical and mental health. For many centuries, this fruit has been consumed for its miraculous benefits, which this generation is not aware of and hence relies on various supplements marketed by pharmaceutical companies. 

You are going to find this article helpful in so many ways that you'll feel grateful to know the benefits of gooseberry or amla.

Importance of Amla in Ayurveda 

In Ayurveda, amla (Indian gooseberry) has been revered for its powerful long term positive effects on human health. Amla is highly regarded as a Rasayana just like Ashwagansha and Guduchi.  

Amla is not only limited to giving you skin and health benefits but it promotes longevity, rejuvenation, and overall vitality.

It is also highly regarded in Ayurveda as it has the potential to balance all three doshas namely,

1. Vata

Elements: Air and Ether (Space)

Vata is responsible for body functions such as breathing, blood circulation, nerve impulses, digestion and metabolism. Imbalance in Vata can cause anxiety, nervousness, agitation, muscle twitching, palpitations.

2. Pitta

Elements: Fire and Water

Pitta is associated with heat and transformation, responsible for metabolism, digestion of food, and produce energy from it. An increase in Pitta can result in acne and boils, vomiting, acidity, Nausea, diarrhea, hot flashes, etc.

3. Kapha

Elements: Earth and Water

Kapha is associated with stability. It is responsible for energy and strength to our body and mental health. It also regulates emotions. Imbalance in Kapha can cause heaviness, fatigue, excess bodily fluids and mucus, allergies, etc.

Regardless of your age and body types, Amla is going to suit you, it’s  loaded with vitamins and minerals that our body needs to function well everyday. It also has anti-inflammatory, antioxidants, and anti-aging properties.

Amla is the hero that can save us from various diseases. Even if you’re not eating an apple a day to keep the doctor away, it’s still fine because amla is going to protect you from bad bacterias in the gut and free radicals, it will also balance out the glucose spike which is good for diabetes patients. It is effective in managing your body weight and keeping away any adverse health complications that might be on the way. That is how amla is powerful and effective. 

Consuming amla improves gut health and gives you glow from within so be ready to glow and digest like a pro. Cheers to health!"

Major Health Benefits of Gooseberry

Skin and Hair Care: The glow you have been expecting from products currently you are using is going to fail in front of gooseberry shots. They contain vitamins and minerals that’s needed for collagen production and glow from within. Amla should not be underestimated when it comes to skin and hair. 

It will make your hair shiny, silky, and stronger. It prevents hair fall by reducing stress and anxiety also, it can cure your long term dandruff problems. It has the potential to strengthen your roots and promote hair growth.

Eye Health: High amount of Vitamin C and antioxidants present in amla can prevent cataracts in your eyes, and newbies who have just got numbered glasses may expect improvement in vision in 6-10 months. You must try out gooseberry shots. 

Digestive Health: Amla is helpful in regulating bowel movement and preventing constipation. It improves digestion by stimulating the secretion of digestive juices as well as it helps our body in absorbing nutrients. 

Respiratory Benefits: Amla can help you cure respiratory disorders and allergies. It is also said to be beneficial for asthma patients.

Bone Health: Amla contains calcium and vitamin D which is beneficial for bones. If you give amla shots to your kids, it will help increase bone density and strength in them. This is why amla is one of the ingredients in Chyawanprash.

Diabetes Management: Amla has the ability to enhance insulin sensitivity which helps in managing diabetes. Insulin is required in our body to break down the sugar and convert it into energy. As per Ayurveda, amla is also useful in regulating blood sugar levels.

Cardiovascular Health: If you want to keep your heart healthy, this fruit is your hope. Amla has been known for ages to maintain heart health Ayurveda says, amla reduces cholesterol levels which is necessary for a good healthy heart. And it also clears up the buildup of unhealthy fats, cholesterol and free radicals from the artery walls so that the blood circulation won’t be interrupted.

There are many other benefits but these which I mentioned above are major chronic health issues in people in India at the time. Heart failure, diabetes, depression, and gut health issues are so common not only in India but other countries too. 

Increased cholesterol in blood is the main reason for heart failures. Hence, healthy eating should not be a choice but a necessity for everyone.

Try to consume gooseberries first thing in the morning. Ayurveda believes consuming amla first thing in the morning which means, in an empty stomach and nothing on the sides can help one remove all three Vata, Pitta and Kapha dosha and balance your overall health. 

To stay healthy, you can best make fresh amla shots in the morning and drink it or you can use amla powder. 

If you are looking for an easy option, you can find readymade amla juices too from a reputed brand.

However, fresh gooseberry juice made at home is 100 times better than the alternate options. 

Keep reading to know how you can make fresh amla juice.

Learn How to Make Amla Supershots

As we have discussed major health benefits, let's quickly learn how to make amla shots everyday.

Points to note:

1. Drink amla shot in the morning in an empty stomach

2. Don’t consume amla in excessive amounts, anything in excess has side effects.

3. Don’t add sugar in your amla shots, sugar is not healthy for the body.

To make amla shots, you need:

  1. Take 2 gooseberries for one person

  2. Small piece of ginger

  3. Water

 If you’re making it for more than one person, you can increase the amount of amla 2 for each and ginger can be as per the preference.

– You need to separate amla pulp from the seed first.

– Add a small ginger root, it helps with morning sickness and the last thing you need is some water.

– First put chopped amla pieces into the blender with ginger and grind it well to make a thick paste.

– Once the thick consistency is reached you can now add a small amount of water and blend it again.

– The mix is ready to strain, use a strainer or a cheese cloth if you like and transfer it into a bowl and then into glass to serve.

There are other recipes as well on how you can add other ingredients to make the morning drink more beneficial than ever.

I hope this article is going to help you cure any health issues you have. 

Remember to not consume in excessive amounts, and the results would show up after 2-3 weeks once so be patient. Amla juice can be consumed by anyone from young kids to old people. To make it more beneficial you can do something else too, for example, beetroot, gond katira, coriander leaves, Pomegranate, etc. anything that’s not too acidic.

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