Tarot card reading for August 15th to 31st for fire zodiac signs is available now. Find out what’s in the store for Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius. 

This is Pooja, your tarot card reader and for this week, the cards has some special messages to tell you. Find what's in this week for you, what divines and ancestors wants you to know. Find out more details in a personalized tarot card reading as per your zodiac signs. 

Reading For Fire Signs: August 1st to Aug 15th

Welcome back fire signs, I have updated my personalized tarot card reading for the last two weeks of the month. I have updated my personalized tarot card reading for the last two weeks of the month. Keep reading to find out more...


Weekly Tarot Reading Spread

Take a break, my fellow Aries.

The next 15 days will call for you to spend time with yourself and do some soul-searching. The upcoming days are about you and your soul, your thoughts, and finding some answers. If you find yourself alone and it scares you, then you know you have the key to opening the door. Feeling left out in the cold is a feeling. A positive mind can attract beautiful moments.


In love and relationships, you have 10 of Cups. A wish fulfillment, and a happy family. You will see your bond deepen with your loved ones in the upcoming future. Many of you could be thinking of settling with your partner, getting married, reconciling with a friend, or marriage. Infinite happy moments lie ahead.


The High Priestess talks about knowing everything and seeing things with the third eye. Use your intuition at this time before making any kind of decision. You need to have a clear mindset.

Also, those who want to start a spiritual career, learn tarot, or any form of divination should take this chance at this time. You could also pursue counseling or speaking in some form. Any artistic endeavor that talks about spirituality in some shape or form.

There's also an upgrade in position. You know all the kings and queens bow in front of the high priestess. 

Prefer staying silent at this time; share less until your work is done.


Exercise, dance, or adopt any kind of physical activity to release tension stored in the body. Try a headstand, handstand, climbing with a rope, a rope dance, or playing with water near some water bodies. Chest-opening exercises will help you immensely. Use the color green to keep your heart open and manifest positive energies in your life. This will also help surrender you to the time and situations that are unfolding.


Weekly Tarot Reading Spread


King of Swords and 7 of Wands for Leo. This is quite an energy! In matters of the heart, our Leos will use their intellect and logic and put their defenses up. You are maintaining a healthy distance by gaining knowledge and evoking your solar plexus chakra, which is about confidence, creativity, and abundance. Your gut will be very active. You'll feel tingling in your stomach before you do something. Listen to your gut. You guys will not be taking quick action and will not be wise. 

There is fire, but a controlled fire. When air and fire mix up, the fire only increases. So don't take things personally, but rather as a healthy fire that burns your inner desire to learn new things, to learn about your qualities, to learn about connections. You will refrain from entering into any kind of relationship until you feel confident enough. It's healthy. Your healing will enhance your aura, which can draw many people in. Maintain distance, and only let healthy energies be around you.


9 of Pentacles. Money looks good; you will have what you want. You are enjoying your work. You will also be investing your money in learning something new. All those who have something in mind should pursue it. It can be about business, finance, agriculture, art, sales, diet, or anything and everything. You name it! End dependency, respect yourself, and love yourself.


The World. You'll be on top of the world. Happy, active, motivated, and free-spirited. All kinds of happiness are surrounding you at this time. But why is it happening for you?

Because you have learned to surrender. You have shifted from doing to being. You are focusing on your own growth. Spiritual growth. This growth is on-going; ascension will never end. When things aren't in your control, you surrender to them and give up the responsibility of suffering through them. It's never on our part. This is alignment. Using the purple color, crown chakra meditation is extremely good for you at this time.


Weekly Tarot Reading Spread


Saggies, you are building a long-term connection and a happy family. For some, your father is going to be proud of you, and if you're the main male, then you will be proud of yourself for being able to handle such a big responsibility on your own. You will bring financial abundance to your father. You can also get a fur baby, which will bring immense healing to your people. Many of you feel grounded and solid enough to settle down.

"Protection."  You'll be very possessive and protective around your people these days. Always ready and on the go. Basically, you will have your complete attention in all kinds of relationships. Everyone will be quite happy with you.


Hierophant is a nice card to have. Gatekeeper, light bringer, illumination, commitment, and deal. Hierophant, being a Taurus card, is bringing you solid work, business, position, respect, and new opportunities. Earth element refers to something physical or tangible. Whatever you have been manifesting, you will see the results; you'll have it, and you can help it.

There's a long-term commitment with regards to work; you can sign a deal; you can become a teacher, a preacher, or a guide of some sort. This could also be a travel guide. You will also try to do things in a traditional way; traditions can be a blockage, but you can mix old and new ways to reach your goals. Identify the difference in opinions and turn it into how it can benefit you in your current situation. Someone older than you can also guide you.


You are healing. Take time for your mental health, which will help you think clearly. Give your mind and body rest from work, as the workload and responsibility can feel overwhelming. Meditation is extremely good for you.

Stay humble at this time. While working, keep your achievements a bit low-key, your behavior subtle, and your demeanor calm. Don't exaggerate or say anything out loud. Maintain a bit of secrecy.

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