Tarot card readings gives you clarity of what you can expect from today

Hey there! 

Today's tarot message is for people who are looking for guidance, feeling stuck and struggling to move on from a situation. Take what resonates with you and your current status. This is a general reading for all those who are in the search of guidance.

Question asked: What should one expect today?

Cards: 10 of pentacles in reverse, 10 of swords, the magician in reverse, the tower, and three of pentacles.

The overall energy is good. The decision to move on from a complex current situation has been made in mind by many, even though there is a feeling of being stuck and suffering, and some are facing difficulty in the process of letting go.

Be mindful; the process of letting go is never easy, and healing takes time. So angels are telling you to stay motivated, determined, and strong. 

Some of you are focusing on their talents, skills, and creations. That’s so beautiful. This is the right thing to focus on.

Your guardian angels need to know what your plan is; hence, you should have a meaningful conversation with your angels. The conversation with your family members and discussing your future plans can be fruitful.

In order to put your future plans into action, you may need your family members' support. Don’t hesitate to share your thoughts on how you want to grow. You should have a brief conversation with them, as they may help bring in the needed resources and guidance.

There is no room for blind faith and hopes any longer; the era of darkness has ended for you; the vision of your future plan is clear; your version of truth vs. others version of truth is clear; some of you might be feeling stuck, but the path is clear, and if you keep your fear away, you should be able to move on. 

The angels are with you, supporting you.

The cards tell me that many of you have moved on from the time of suffering and pain; however, some of you are still in the same situation and finding it hard to move on; hence, you have not yet. 

You need to understand that in order to start a new journey, a new happy beginning, there is a need for a painful ending and to learn new lessons. This prepares you for the new adventure in life. 

The resistance is fear. Learn to combat your fear, and the path will be clear.

To those who have walked away already but are still at a stand still point, they need to start working on their skillset. If you are not sure what you want to do in the future, you need to explore new things and perhaps learn new skills that interest you the most. Don’t wait for a divine time to come, as it comes only when you move forward. Don’t wait for changes to happen; bring that change into your life.

Look inward, upward, and forward.

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