Today, I am going to share a simple yet effective DIY face mask that is going to give you a glow and radiant skin. I was recommended to use this mask when I had acne scars all over my face. Applying this face mask helped me fade away those stubborn blemishes and scars over time, and that too without any side effects. It was the best advice I had ever received, apart from adding castor oil to treat my skin problems. This face pack is a success and will give you a 100% result. I promise!

I used this wonderful, quick, and effective DIY mask at home every day for a month back when I had serious acne issues. While nothing was helpful in treating them, this dry yeast DIY face mask was at least helping me maintain the glow and fade away old acne marks and blemishes.

If you have bad acne due to hormonal imbalance, then this mask is a great choice for you. It is natural and effective, and there are no side effects at all. To check whether the pack will suit your skin, do a patch test around the neck area before applying.

If you have sun tan, blemishes, pigmentation, acne scars, or dullness, you must give it a try. This is going to be your favorite out of all DIY face masks. 

This year, the summer is unforgiving to our skin and health. The heatwave is not only causing dehydration, but the scorching sunlight is burning our skin and taking away the natural glow. Try this face mask every day before you go to bed, and you’ll see the difference. From day one, you’ll notice the glow and how refreshed your skin looks. For this DIY face mask, you only need two ingredients.


1. Dry Yeast: 1 tbsp

2. Lukewarm Milk: 2-3 tbsp

The method is simple, and all you need is 1 tablespoon of dry yeast and 2-3 spoons of warm milk. Add both of the ingredients to a bowl and let it rest for 2 minutes while you prep your face.

Wash your face with a mild face wash and normal-temperature or lukewarm water, and pat it dry. By then, both ingredients will be ready for a good mix. 

If the pack becomes thick, add one more tablespoon of warm milk and mix it again.

Use the brush to apply the face mask all over your face.

Now you need to wait up to 20 minutes, let it sit on your face, and let it dry. After 20 minutes, you can rinse it off and apply a moisturizer before going to bed.


1. Helps you get rid of dirt and pollutants from deep pores

2. Removes sun tan and blemishes

3. Slow downs the aging and removes reduce fine lines

4. Prevent breakouts and acne

5. Removes acne scars on regular use

6. Tightens the skin and minimizes the pores

7. Removes dead cells from superficial skin layer and promotes new cells

8. Boost collagen and improves complexion

9. Reduces oil production and adds glow to skin

10. Keeps your skin healthy, shiny and hydrated throughout the day.


The reason this dry yeast DIY face mask works effectively is because dry yeast contains B vitamins, which help maintain collagen levels. Dry yeast is also helpful in removing dead skin and promoting healthy new cell growth, which results in fading away blemishes and acne scars over time. It helps improve the skin tone due to other vitamins such as Vitamin A and Vitamin K, which have antioxidant properties and promote wound healing. Regular use of a dry yeast DIY face mask can also reduce acne appearance and heal existing acne.

When you mix the active dry yeast with lukewarm milk, the process of proofing begins, and the dehydrated yeast begins to feed on the sugar present in the milk and get activated. This is why your skin gets the maximum benefits from the mix of these two ingredients.

I hope that you’ll love this DIY face mask recipe I shared with you all, and it will help you combat your skin problems. I hope I was able to elaborate on why the dry yeast face pack works and how it works for your skin.

If you’re struggling with acne and pimples, please read our article on castor oil and how it’s effective for your acne, pimples and scars as our goal is to promote natural cures for skin and health for a healthy lifestyle.

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