Weekly Tarot Reading Spread

i. King of Swords

ii. Justice

iii. King of Wands


In love and relationships, we see Gemini as being a strict air sign, developing strong boundaries, trying to be practical, practicing patience, observing more, analyzing the entire situation, and clearing up doubts that are surrounding them currently. It is advised to get clarification regarding topics that seek attention and solutions. You have your eyes on someone, but you'll still be extremely skeptical before making any move. You are trying to be extremely wise at this point in time. You'll be surrounded by your loved ones a lot. You might discuss your issue with them, or vice versa. You'll have solutions to your tips for others. With your better half or just loved ones, you can plan a trip to the mountains.


Justice calls in to make things correct, bring balance, make lawful decisions, and handle legal matters. Kindly keep your eyes open and your mind active. Each coin has two sides, so please identify the dark and the light, right and wrong. Your discerning and decisive powers will be tested this time by the saturn. That might make you feel like things are a bit slow this time around and not going at the same pace as they should. 


You'll feel quite energetic. The regime you always wanted to have but could not previously have, you'll have now. You'll work harder and faster. There's a determination to keep moving. Extremely fiery energy with the king of wands. You'll be punctual and quite adaptable. Control your aggression.


New Moon in Leo “Shine”. A new victorious cycle begins for Gemini people. The full moon in Capricorn has acted as a red light for everyone. Things have slowed down; our minds are getting confused; self-criticism, perfectionism, yadi yada. It is not bad; it was just to reflect more on the decisions we are making. Are they profitable and practical or not? Your time has shifted now. Shine.


Weekly Tarot Reading Spread

i. Queen of Pentacles in reverse

ii. The High Priestess

iii. Nine of Cups


Libras are opening their eyes if they were refusing to see what they were supposed to acknowledge. Some may have acknowledged it but did not act accordingly. This time, I sense both negative traits—a bit self-centered and unsettling—which can confuse your person. If you have felt unloved or unsupported in the past, then you are definitely going to be strict and act cold. The expectations of the other person can be bruised by seeing this side of you. Also, this energy will be reflected back to you, so take care of yourself. Have self-control. For most of you, it's a refusal if you are going through some sort of breakup. For singles, you won't be accepting new love offers as you'll feel that they don't match your checklist. For couples, feminine energy seems to be refusing certain things, maintaining distance, telling some harsh truths, and being rude, and their behavior can be a bit unsettling.


Level up, higher post, promotion, higher status. People who want to become a spiritualist, healer, or tarot reader and have any other option in mind, it's a yes! It's happening. Spiritual shop, public speaker, and motivational speaker. All those who want to pursue the clothing business, gemstone business, or crystal business will be seen pursuing it. Your intuition will be at its peak. Listen to it and do what is required. See what is unseen; see through your third eye. For others, it will take a lot of overthinking if things are not clear to them. Spending time alone and asking yourself questions. Although there's no such need to discuss everything with everyone, you have all the answers within yourself.


Your health will be good with Nine of Cups. You will feel free; there is no bondage; there is an active mind, soul, and body. Wish fulfillment is coming for Libras in terms of health and lifestyle goals.


Last quarter moon in Scorpio: “Reveal what needs to be seen.”

Know that dramas are now healing crises. Listen to your intuition and act as per what your inner guidance is telling you to do. There could be certain things around you that are difficult to air or shouldn't be air as per you. You can have a strong urge to say things, take quick decisions, and act swiftly and without thinking. Differentiate between a strong opinion, nagging, budging, and being stubborn.

Strong is good, but stubborn is a problem.



Weekly Tarot Reading Spread

i. Seven of Wands

ii. Five of Pentacles in reverse

iii. Page of Pentacles

iv. Six of Swords


In love, we see you taking responsibility and defending yourself. You were stuck in the past, and now you feel free. However, it's not in a rational way; you may self-sabotage and take arguments head-on. You will be stating your point in the arguments, but based on what you feel, your experience.

What is your gut telling you?

Your opinion might be valuable; however, it's not always true that you're right. You need to understand others' opinions as well. Holding onto the thought that only you're right will leave you no room for growth.

Strong shield around you guys. You will feel the need to participate and protect yourself. At first, you felt you were locked in a confined box with limited air to breathe; it was suffocating you every day. It was not your fault that you refused to see the key to freeing yourself. And you have the key in your hand. The spirit guides want to help you, so choose to use and release yourself from despair and suffocating relationships.


I see you taking small baby steps, planning new things, bringing your point of view to the forefront, but being hesitant. You think that you are not an expert in some aspect of your work. So focus on learning and adapting. Be flexible; adjust yourself to unknown situations. You can receive new work projects, new offers, and messages. Don't stop here! Believe in yourself! You have a huge potential to do extremely well wherever you are rooted right now. You can also start earning passive income.


Aquarius people need to take care of their mental health. If you have been going through a lot of overthinking, try to meditate to relax your mind. You should take care of yourself; you may fall sick. Although you'll recover fast, things and situations that are bothering you currently can affect your health.


The first quarter moon in Sagittarius “Believe in your good luck.”

There is the power of Jupiter with you at this time. This time, problems can appear to be huge, but God's blessings and protection are as well. Only if you trust and surrender to the divine will you be easily able to overcome. Give up on your ugly thoughts; don't be in control of them. Focus on your health currently and get proper treatment and medication. Meditate often. Clear your mind. Speak only when you are sure. Don't take hasty decisions; take swift actions. Focus on small steps; small details and big things will fall into alignment. You'll succeed! See life as an adventure.

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