Double cleansing with oil can treat acne caused by pollution, humidity, dirt, make-up, etc.

Yes, double cleansing can help you fight acne and get rid of it, but only if you cleanse it the right way. Double cleansing oil for combination skin is the best remedy to keep the acne and blackheads at the bay. If you want to know how you can solve your skin problems, keep reading.


The process of double cleansing includes washing your face twice: first with an oil-based cleanser, followed by washing your face with a water-based one.

This process helps remove gunk and bacteria causing acne from deep pores and keeps them healthy. 

Using a face wash just once or multiple times cannot remove stubborn and pore-clogging dirt and impurities as effectively as an oil cleanser.

Because the oil has the ability to penetrate deep into pores and break down the impurities to pull them out without causing any damage to the skin cells. The oil cleanser does two jobs in one go, it removes bacteria clogged into pores and moisturizes the skin at the same time.

This is why double cleansing with oil is highly recommended by certified dermatologists too. And this is especially recommended if you use makeup or have acne on your face.

Let’s find out the right way to do double cleansing:


This two-step facial cleansing is easy and quick; it only takes around 2 minutes of your time. Doing it the right way with patience is the key to achieving your skincare goals.

  • Apply a cleansing oil on your wet face.

  • Use your fingers to massage the oil cleanser into your skin in a circular motion, this process will break down makeup, dirt, sweat or any other types of impurities.

  • After massaging your face, wet your face once more.

  • And now massage your face for a minute, this process of emulsifying the oil will pull out the dirt leaving no residue of impurities behind.

  • Rinse off your face after this.

  • Now you can apply the water based cleanser and massage for a few moments gently using your fingertips. 

  • Rinse off the cleanser and pat your face dry and you’re done.

And if you want to purchase one, I have mentioned some really good options for you to choose from; they are tried and tested and will also suit oily and acne-prone skin. 

These products are highly recommended; you should give them a try, as many are satisfied and love the results after using them.


For a DIY cleansing oil, you should use the right type of oil. All oils are moisturizing and will do their job, but choose the oil that can target your skin problem at the same time.

The most commonly used oils in making a DIY oil cleanser are olive oil and castor oil in a ratio of 1:1. The reason is that these two oils suit any skin type and are highly moisturizing. Castor oil can penetrate deep into the pores and break down all the impurities without stripping away the moisture of the skin.

If you want to make an advanced oil cleanser, you need to choose oils that can target your specific skin problem, and adding an essential oil will make it more beneficial for you.

Let’s first know the oils you can choose and combine:

For acne-prone skin: Cold-pressed Coconut oil, Jojoba oil, Neem oil, Castor oil, Argan oil, Virgin-olive oil.

Essential oil for acne prone skin: Rosehip oil, Rosemary oil, Thyme, Tea-tree oil, Ylang-Ylang, Cinnamon oil. 

For dry skin: Cold-pressed Coconut oil, Castor oil, Almond oil, Argan oil, Sunflower oil.

Essential oil for dry skin: Lavender oil, Ylang-Ylang, Cedarwood oil, Sandalwood oil.

For oily skin: Cold-pressed Coconut oil, Castor oil.

Essential oil for oily skin: Rosemary, Tea-tree oil, Rosehip oil, Lavender oil.

You can choose two oils from the list above in a 1:1 ratio as per your skin type, add 6-7 drops of essential oil, and store it in a bottle.


Everyday for sure and it is a good habit to do a double cleanse daily before going to bed at night. Instead of just washing your face with a face wash, you can first do the oil cleanse and then use a mild face wash.


  • You’ll have deep clean and dead cells free skin everyday.

  • You’ll notice reducing blackheads and whiteheads.

  • Acne due to pollution, make-up, and humidity will be lessened.

  • Reducing blemishes and acne scars.

  • Hydrated and moisturized skin.

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