Here I am, Pooja, your tarot card reader. I read tarot cards online and offline for people who are seeking guidance and help. I also do general reading for my followers. 

Today’s readings are as follows:

There is a strong message today that I sense. I hope whoever finds this message can relate to it.


i. King of Swords

ii. King of Cups

iii. Page of Wands in reverse

iv. 2 of Cups

v. The Fool and 

vi. The Tower in Reverse.

The first thing I see here is that there are two people, specifically two men of masculine or just masculine energy of any gender, sitting in their zone, contemplating a mutual topic with the two of cups, but separately.

This could be about reconnecting, communicating, sharing, and addressing their feelings and thoughts. Since the two kings are in their higher polarity, that means they are in a clear-headed state, or, we can say, healthy states of mind, to come into contact, but will they? 

Although thinking logically, feeling an emotional connection, wanting to surrender, be free from worries, wanting to trust again, and rekindling the connection (friendship, relationship, partnership) should lead to a strong and grounded place. The mistakes that were made in the past that shattered everything should not be made again. So I do see resistance to taking any kind of action from both sides and just sitting and connecting emotionally and telepathically with each other.

Can you think of someone like this in your life?

Tip: Things can ease out between souls telepathically faster, as we are all beings of energy. We all pick up on the frequency and vibration that go around us. Make conscious efforts and build a strong, healing bond mentally so that when God allows you to reconnect in 3D, Negative feelings such as bitterness, hate, anger, and rage are powerless.

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