Here I am, Pooja, your tarot card reader. I read tarot cards online and offline for people who are seeking guidance and help. I also do general reading for my followers. 

Today is a beautiful day. Let’s deep dive into today’s tarot card prediction for you all. Tarot card reading is a great way to get clarity on current situations related to your personal and love life. Let’s find out what spirit guides from the heavens want you to know.


i. 8 of swords in reverse

ii. 10 of wands

iii. 7 of cups

Right off the bat, we have so many plans, and we wish to achieve them all. This could be enjoyable, but at times, it can also be burdensome. This will make us sit with ourselves and think logically.

Here's what you should do: have a plan that will really foster your growth as a person, help you evolve, and won't sabotage you from having a good social life, such as traveling, meeting new people, making new friends, enjoying quality time, etc., which is a need for soul evolution.


The highlight of the reading is: INTUITION 

Intuition is one kind of value, which is a good addition to our point of view. Our perception of looking at things, the ability to see our own shortcomings, our own mental blockages, and our own limits that cage us. Acknowledge what is no longer needed on our path. When we really dive deep within and peep into the mirror that our own higher self shows us,.

The baggage that you have been carrying on your shoulder from the past, the burden that you have been holding due to any reason in your life journey, and things that you have ended and moved on will show you the reflection that has been hindering your path to success, accomplishments, your true expression, and freedom.

These blockages prevent you from looking out for multiple opportunities that can actually lead to your wish fulfillment and emotional fulfillment. The snakes are always there in the game of snakes and ladders. 

For all of us today, we are coming back to our own mind, soul, body, and emotions. As we all align our mind, body, spirit, and emotions, we will be able to climb above the blockages.

Today is a day to spend some valuable time with ourselves and to reflect.

Have a plan, take yourself out on a coffee date, and while sipping on coffee, introspect your emotions, search yourself, and try to find what you're looking for. Everything is inside; look out in the outer world no more.

Have a great time with yourself. ✨a

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