Your Sunday tarot reading is here folks.

The Cards we have for the day:

1. 5 of Cups in Reverse 

2. The Magician

3. 4 of Wands

4. The Star

Overall energy for the day is represented by the Star.

If you guys haven't noticed, the number 7 is what the angel wanted to show the energy coming from number 7 on July 7th. It's calling in a lot of healing, alignment with the higher power, our own thoughts, karma, and, as a result, fast changes as the Star represents the air sign Aquarius, which is ruled by Saturn. So lessons are being learned and transmuted into manifestation with the Magician.

Those who want to manifest changes in their life, go ahead angels are listening to you. Today is the best day time for them.

Magician is the card of talent, skills, creation, and manifestation. So you are creating out of 5 of cups in reverse and 4 of wands in reverse, i.e., willingly letting go and giving up on losses and hurt with regard to living situations, friendships, and relationships. You had a deeply rooted connection once upon a time.

The water aspect in the 5 of cups and the magician are so similar that they could represent emotion and the universe, which is also visible in the star card. To me, it looks like we manifest opportunities out of intense emotions when they are directed towards our own personal growth.

For All Types of Connections.

Pain exists for the Magician and the Star individuals. Choose your roles as it pleases. The magician person is still trying to put in the efforts to bring about a change in the situation and move into better times with the star, and the Star person is aware, but the star sees them as manipulators who will again try to control the situation, so the star person has put the universe in between and is seeking clarity. The star is following what God is saying, and the magician is following what his inner intuition is saying.

But a mutual feeling is to reconnect, heal together, and come to solid ground. We shall not ignore that divine timing is still at play.


Have a great day, my loved ones!!

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