Did you know that when you meet someone from your past lives, you experience deja vu or can see them in your dreams prior to meeting in person or see them in a public place. If you’ve experienced something like this then there is a possibility that you have crossed your paths with your soulmate or twin-flame.

We encounter people in our day to day life, but not every face we encounter is remembered. In this article, we are going to focus on connections that could be a soulmate or twinflame and how you can be sure which one is it.


Let’s discover the meaning and profound differences between soulmates and twin flames in this article. Also, learn to identify your spiritual partner and embark on your journey to self-discovery and true love.


A soulmate is your other half when both unite, you begin to shift into a spiritual realm, you begin to find the purpose of life. You often wonder how in this big universe, you meet this person and suddenly it feels like you’ve found your missing piece. You learn how amazing life is and it indeed is a gift. You experience the universe from your unique perspective that is not taught by any guides and you realize that love is not as shown in the movies. It feels different to be in love and finally understand altruistic love.

You cross paths and emotional connection can be sensed from the first moment. It only grows even if you’re apart from each other. Just so you know, you are going to remember this person till the end of your life.

It is not necessary that there will be a romantic relationship with your soulmate or you’ll marry them, it is conditional. 

Love remains unconditional in case of soulmate connections. An unforgettable connection that cannot be denied or ignored because it only grows, it doesn’t have an ending. 

It is also not necessary that a soulmate connection will be reciprocal, it can be one sided too.

It is also possible, irrespective of how strong you feel, you may not end up with them because reunion of soulmates' true purpose is to teach significant lessons, and most importantly the meaning of altruistic love.

This connection brings peace and harmony in life. You will never feel incomplete, in fact after meeting your true soulmate, you may stop looking for love in somebody else or look for them in everyone else.

You may experience:

1) Familiar sense of knowing each other

2) Relief, patience and calm

3) You can feel their presence when they are around you

4) Your emotional connection doesn’t rely on words, you both can feel and understand each others emotions

5) The wait to see them again never ends but it won’t startle you.


Certain people are fated in your life, you cannot avoid crossing paths with them. There’s not only one twin-flame you may meet but multiples. They are a reflection of who you are. You will never be able to spot a twin-flame easily and chances are you will think they are your soulmate until you know them well and probably by then you would be separated by fate. Yes, in case twin-flame paths are separated once both souls have evolved in some ways.

You’ll begin to learn your flaws, perfection, negative and positive traits both, and it’s up to you how you work upon them, it will be your will to shed off the old you to transform into a better version. 


Many are confused when it comes to understanding what “the other half” means.

You’ll read many blogs saying twin-flame is your other half but it’s not true at all.

The other half shares your energy, who's searching for it’s other half, feels incomplete until reunite not in this realm but in the spiritual world. This is why you can sense them around you and sudden emotional connection is there.

Whereas the twin-flame is a reflection of your soul, your current energy. Twin-flames are not the other half. You are fated to meet twin-flame so that you can evolve, deal with issues that are common in you both, overcome your drawbacks and become better individuals. 

Twin-flames usually form toxic relationships due to lack of a positive approach towards life and not being able to move on from or remaining stuck in the past. Toxic relationships are the signs that both partners lack self-love and we usually see it turns into an abusive one be it mental, emotional abuse or physical abuse

Have you heard about the daddy issue, mommy issue people frequently use these terms, due to these issues you may encounter multiple twin-flames and probably fall in love with them because you share the same pain but in actual, you both are supposed to work out on your issues and evolve into a better person. 

Never confuse a twin-flame for a soulmate. 

In spiritual understanding, not being able to resolve your issues can form negative energy which follows you from lives to lives until resolved, it is usually known as karmic debt. A debt that’s being carried forward from life to life.


1) There’s only one soulmate but there can be multiple twin-flames

2) It’s possible but not necessary that you’ll get married to your soulmate but with a twin-flame you may form a relationship or even get married.

3) An emotional connection is formed instantly with a soulmate, with a twin-flame instant connection is seen due to sharing the same pain and suffering, struggling with similar issues.

4) Soulmate is your other-half and a twin-flame is a reflection of your current energy.

5) You understand selfless, unconditional love with a soulmate and it lasts for life. But with a twin-flame, the love may end when the relationship is over or old karmic debts are paid.

6) It is not necessary to meet your soulmate in each life, but meeting a twin-flame cannot be avoided due to karmic debts.

7) Your connection with your soulmate will never be toxic but with twin-flame you may experience toxicity and struggle often.

8) Love is easy and effortless with a soulmate while keeping up the relationship is not but with a twin-flame, love always comes with emotional struggles and sometimes trouble and issues in life however, forming a relationship is not that difficult even if it’s toxic.

9) Love connection with soulmate is peaceful and divine however, with a twin flame love may feel exciting, careless, adventurous, full of fun.


This question is often asked and I will give you an honest answer, even though getting along with a soulmate can be quite peculiar due to different personalities, preferences, approach and perspective.

If you and your soulmate have reached a level where maturity, compassion, love and respect is reciprocal and your connection works, no third element affects your relationship. Trust is there, honesty and understanding is the key element in your relationship, then marriage between two soulmates can work and overtime it can become an unbreakable bond.

However, if one of the partners lets resentment, envy, jealousy, dishonesty, or cheating break the connection then the relationship is potentially going to turn into a toxic relationship and the karmic lesson will be indebted.

The honest answer of this question would be you have the choice, life is not only about learning but also living it. If there are no issues or you both know how to handle a problem in a relationship then be it soulmate or twin-flame doesn’t matter. Love is there and this kind of compatibility is important to have a peaceful and joyful life.

Soulmates can only be united when they learn to love unconditionally , leaving all the materialistic desires past, the karmic debts are paid, and the integrity of connection is preserved.

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