When we’re feeling blue, it can be hard to snap out of it. But there are lots of things you can do that will help lift your spirits and get you back on track again. If you’ve ever been in a funk and wondered how on earth you were going to pull yourself out of it, trust me, you’re not alone.
Depression and general feelings of sadness are very common among humans. At any given time, one in five people will experience some form of depression. Luckily, there are lots of ways that you can help boost your mood when you feel down. The trick is knowing what works for you based on your personal preferences and interests. Everyone is different and has their own methods for dealing with stress in life like anxiety or sadness. The best way to discover what works for you is by trying different things until something sticks.

Here are the 7 simple ways that may help life your spirits, if you're feeling down:


1. Go Out For A Run


Going out on a run initially may not resonate with you, because when you’re feeling blue and lackadaisical and just want to lay on the bed all day thinking resting will improve your problems.

I have gone through this phase and all I can say is that it’s not easy to break through guys, gradually procrastination becomes a part of you. Remember that Procrastination is not helpful, it damages you so we need to cut off that from our life and we do it now should be the goal, and start with physical activities like running, and exercising because not only does physical activity have a direct impact on your mood, but it can also help you to sleep better and can even improve your appetite.


You should remind yourself that sleeping all day is not going to fix the problems. Running is a perfect choice I can tell because it improves your blood circulation, helps you flush out toxins, and most important thing is that it directs you to focus on your breathing.
Studies have shown that taking time to be mindful and focus on your breathing can actually help to reduce stress, which is likely at the root of your depression.


2. Chat With A Good Friend


Sometimes talking to someone even a stranger can lift your mood.Maybe a friend who has confidence in you and respects you for who you are. Talking to someone who doesn’t make you insecure, doubtful, or demeaning can be really helpful because we want to feel understood and belonged. This inspires you not to cut yourself off from the world and isolate yourself completely. Even a single person who values you can transform you and give you a hope.

You should always be open to the thought that there are many more wonderful things and people ahead in your future and you need to be prepared and be ready for new adventures. It helps to clear your mind and gain a new perspective.

A good friend can provide comfort and reassurance and listening to someone and empathizing with them can actually reduce stress and boost your mood. If you’re feeling particularly down, you might want to initiate the conversation, reach out to a friend whom you know will be happy to talk with you and help you to feel better. If you’re not sure what to say, start by explaining how you’re feeling, what you’ve been going through, and what you’d like from the conversation. Your friend may surprise you with their insights!


3. Journaling Your Emotional Journey


Write your thoughts and feeling whenever you experience intense gush of emotion, this not only helps you process the current mood but also helps you understand the root issue. It put things into perspective, enlightens your mood. 

Make a habit of journaling your emotion not only sad thoughts but also when you're feeling happy and content. This will help you figure out your feelings and will clear things that are blocking your mind from functioning as usual. Writing is a unique way of addressing your feelings and understanding your mind better.


4. Do Something That Revives Your Soul


Some people find that hanging out alone or getting close to nature and soaking up the sights, sounds, and smell  can help to lift their spirits when they’re feeling down. If you live near a park or a forest, taking a walk can help to clear your head and get you away from the stress of everyday life. If you live in an urban setting, don’t let that be an excuse, take a few days off work and head out for an adventure. Traveling alone is one of the best medicines you can find. There are lots of things you can do to help you to feel revived and uplifted. For example, visiting your school or place where you used to hang out as a kid. 

You should find what works for you, what re-energizes your soul.  Find something that can help you see your qualities and strengths rather than focusing on pain and suffering or feeling blue and lackadaisical.


5. Remember that things Will Get Better, It Takes Time


A gentle reminder before I jump on the topic always remember:
Nothing gets better overnight, it can take days, and years too so always be consistent in what you do.

If you’re feeling down, you may be tempted to catastrophize your situation and think about all of the bad things that could happen as a result of your sadness. It’s important to remember that while things may be difficult right now, they will get better. Things like sadness, anxiety, and other mood disorders don’t last forever. Changing lifestyle is a big help in dealing with such disorders. You can try new activities instead of just sitting in a corner or staying the bed forever, for example hitting the gym, dance classes, yoga practice, etc. or you can try painting, sketching, joining book club if you like to read.

You need to know that these episodes come and go in cycles and can be treated or managed with the right support and that support can come from people or by changing lifestyle.


6. Meditate Or Practice Yoga


I personally find yoga very helpful, a real game-changing to be honest. I got a random suggestion on YouTube for Yoga With Adriene channel and I thought let’s try something today, I loved it from the first day. The idea of relaxing, trying to balance your body in a position. It helped me focus on breathing mainly and inspired me to be resilient gradually.  All I now think of is creating a balance in life, I find comfort in closing my eyes and just focusing on breathing in and out gently, it’s much better than the idea of relaxing in bed. Yoga does work miracle. You learn to balance you mind, body and soul which improves your mood and health over time.

If you’re feeling down, you may want to try meditating or doing yoga. Both activities can help you to reduce stress, feel happier and be more mindful. Yoga is a very open-minded practice that anyone can do, regardless of what they believe or how they identify.


7. Get To Know Your Triggers


If you have an idea about what triggers your sadness, it can be helpful to try to deal with it and take your time. It's a journey and you need to approach the situation with a positive attitude. So be patient and learn how you can handle such complex moments.
Whenever you’re feeling down, try to think about what you can do to help yourself. This can include things like reaching out to friends and family members for support, practicing mindfulness, and taking time to do things that relax and rejuvenate you.


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