Tarot Card Prediction For July 11, 2024: Message From The Angels For You…

Hi everyone!!!

New day, new reading for you all. Let’s start our day with new messages.

This is Pooja, your tarot card reader and today’s message from the angels are telling us to be mindful, not to miss out on quality time with family and loved ones. Let’s find out more details.


i. Step into your Power;

ii. 10 of swords;

iii. Judgment;

iv. Open up to Change;

v. 10 of Pentacles;

vi. 5 of Wands in reverse.

Angel Michael has come with a trumpet to announce your win and that all the efforts you have put in are appreciated. He is here to support and guide you. The spirit has been resurrected.


I like the Judgement and 10 of Pentacles in the center that a rebirth process has taken place in your family. All those who were going through family conflict and financial conflict are coming to an end. There is salvation from stuckness, blindness, tiredness, lathargy, health issues, and issues in other relationships. Judgement and 10 of Pentacles together is a blessing that you will have a solution to grow your family income and financial support from lineage. Major changes in your tree of life

You'll realize your purpose in correcting what was done wrong and what was lacking. You didn't get the support you needed back then, and you also struggled to take action. You'll have all of that now; you will come into your power, have enough resources to create that life, and bring positive changes into your family. Remember that the support is here

You were first served with the right knowledge to build a strong foundation. 

You have been picking up positive energies about family dynamics, although the stress is still there. Conflicts arise due to a lack of understanding and no harmony while sharing thoughts with each other. But the good news is that you will witness togetherness, more compassion, and more understanding now.

Last but not least, take care of your emotional, physical, and mental well-being. One major action someone needs to take in regards to their health. Please keep up with proper medications.

For some of you, the music is healing—it's like therapy that will heal you. Don't hold yourself back from dancing a little while listening to your favorite music.

Listen to your intuition more. Pay attention to signs and symbols.


Thank you, everyone, for sharing these high-vibing energies with me.


Have a wonderful day! ✨

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