I was really living in a time where nothing was serving me anymore; anything old was not exciting to me, and I was depressed and somehow just kept on living day by day. I was also seeing 11.11 so frequently.

If any car is passing by their plate number in the end, either would be 1111, 1101, or 1011, the only combination of number one.
When everything was changing in my life so drastically, I started to look for distraction, so Netflix was my one option.
11.11 didn’t even leave me there; if I am pausing the show or movie, it would be on 11.01, 11.11, 10.11, or 10.10 minutes on the screen.
Unlocking my phone at exactly 11.11.

For how long I could ignore it, I did my research instead of believing what the Internet had to say. I came up with my own ideology to understand the concept of synchronicity better.

As a child, I read a book on Numerology, in that book, each number has its own meaning, and the impact of numbers in our lives was explained, as was how to calculate your life path, master number, destiny, etc.
Numerology has been believed by many big celebrities, politicians, and businessmen as well. 

Many of us quickly turn to the Internet and look up what 1111 means or the 1111 angel number, or you may ask why am I keep seeing 1111 everywhere. I used to do the same, but I was never satisfied with the answer. It seemed everyone had just copied and pasted the same thing.

My question was if you’re seeing 1111, which you could have started seeing at any age, if 1111 is just to indicate new beginnings.

But why, when you reach a certain age or have achieved what you wanted to achieve? Doesn’t it seem that this spiritual synchronicity has something to do with “you’re entering a new era” according to your life path?

In my opinion, seeing 1111 is a very sensitive message and not to be taken lightly. This new era indicated by 1111 was pending a long time ago; the time was only waiting for you to be prepared and be ready to accept major changes emotionally and mentally. It’s not a bad thing at all; you’ll lose for sure so that you can make space for new things.

Even in numerology, 1 is the first number that symbolizes the beginning.
This is the sign from whatever you believe in, either God or just the universe, that you’re prepared to enter a new timeline and build your life from the ground and reach higher.

Basically, you’re being told that you’re now your higher self.

If you’re seeing it on repeat, that means an event is going to happen, and your faith in the process of entering the new era is needed.

1111 angel number is telling you an unavoidable transition is coming into my life. In my experience, you can only delay it by not accepting the changes, but it has already begun. You can’t avoid it at all, so better be prepared. I am writing this only to inform you to be mature about it and don’t refuse what the universe has to offer you. 

1111 isn't only all about a new start in your life, but also within you. It leads you on a path of self-growth, where you learn to align your mind, body, and soul. And then you can manifest what you want. So if you have a dream career, you’ll achieve it, so be ready to accept the changes with an open heart.

If you’re stuck in a job that is not serving you, not allowing room for growth, or harassing you mentally, but you can’t do anything about it, the universe will do it for you. I am not lying; the situation will take an unfavorable turn, and you’ll be forced to move on.

But don’t take it in a negative way; it means your skills are no match for the job or the business you have been doing, so it’s not serving growth and joy in your life.

If you’re stuck for any reason with a leech like a boyfriend or girlfriend, the universe is going to force you out of it as well, and trust my words, 11.11 will lead you to your soulmate right after that, and you’ll forget all the pain and sorrow you've felt in the past. A brand new, exceptional love partner is going to enter your life, and a new story will begin.

With time, you’ll start to see life from a different perspective; you’ll be leaning towards spirituality, and your opinion on life on Earth will be different than the others. 

Here comes the interesting fact:

Believe it or not, the angel number 1111 is going to connect you to your life path and your purpose on Earth. No, the universe is not going to do any shady work; they have no motive behind it. You’re just being put on a path of learning and embracing the time on Earth rather than making space for things that don't serve your soul's purpose.
So be open to the idea of leaving the past in the past, take fear out of your mind, and show faith in the universe.

A tip for you:

You can only control your life from a place of power, not a crisis.

Learn to distance yourself from people who are not adding any value to your life, have negative opinions, etc.; cut them off. People who exhaust you emotionally and mentally, say goodbye or don’t, your choice, but throw them out for good.

Learn to evolve to create balance in my life and lead the way.

Know how to calculate your life path:

Let’s take a DOB for example, 13 – 05- 1996; 

First step is to add all the digits to get a number which will be either between 1 to 9 or 11 or 22.

In the case of 11, 22 or 33 the number further not be added to convert it into a single digit. The numbers 11, 22 and 33 are sacred and hence, it’s called master numbers.

Knowing the meaning of 11.11 is just not enough until you connect it with your life path.

So the life path of a person born on 13- 05- 1996 would be:

1+3 = 4;

0+5= 5;

1+9+9+6= 25 = 2+5= 7;

4+5+7 = 16 further added 1+6 = 7

The life path would be 7.

The number 7 signifies spirituality, the meet of both physical and mystical realm.

If your life path number is 7, by 1111, you’re being told that you’re now ready for spiritual learning and that you should begin to focus on understanding life better and don’t stay stuck in any kind of addiction or materialistic pleasure.

It doesn’t mean you’re being told to become a priest, but you have the potential to learn about the mystic world and find the true meaning of life.

You should focus on your mental and spiritual development. Lead a path of intelligence and help others.

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