The English poet Edward Young wrote in 1742 that “Procrastination is the thief of time” which makes sense because procrastination causes wastage of time when you could make it worthwhile, do something useful however, you kept on postponing it.


What is procrastination?

Procrastination is an act of refraining from doing something when it needs to be done.
This kind of behavior is mainly triggered when our mind can’t manage the pressure of being in a position of crisis and need to find relaxation which leads us to putting things off to do later, however, it becomes a thing to do in a loop, keep postponing and avoid accomplishing the task on time.


How does it start?

In some people, the beginning of procrastination can be because of these underlying issues which include

  • Low self-esteem,
  • Fear of criticism or failure,
  • Perfectionism, and
  • Depression.
  • fear of a negative or unknown outcome.

You tend to lose your interest in activities that you used to enjoy before. You begin to withdraw from going out with people. And staying at home either sleeping or playing games for hours becomes your new activity. You’d rather sit idle and overthink than actually engage in daily lifestyle or activities or work.


Is procrastination linked with depression?

Yes, It is. Those who have recently recovered from depression are more prone to procrastination. Experts have to say a lot about the connection between these two.
If this is happening to you, you may seek help further to become functional after the depression phase. It’s a practice, changes don't happen overnight so you need to learn to discipline yourself. Start by getting rid of some bad habits.

  • People often become enmeshed during the phase of depression and adopt procrastination as a manner of living;
  • Depression alters your likes and dislikes over time.
  • Depression also makes you habitual of overthinking everything hence, even a smaller task seems hard to complete.
  • Depression exhausts one's energy and confidence and people tend to feel tired emotionally and mentally very often. This is the reason putting things off until the last moment sounds like a good idea in head which later on becomes a bad habit.

You should consider taking help from friends or family who understand you and will be patient with you. You can always consult with an advisor or therapist.

It’s very common that people also try to help themselves once they understand the condition well. It makes them feel stronger and gives them the courage, a new goal to accomplish.


What helps against procrastination?

Procrastination is very common in people especially in students because of the pressure they have to handle, the exams, studies, fear of failure or not being able to do better in studies, etc. Procrastination feels like a trophy they deserve for going through such a phase hence, students usually look for something that’s going to make them feel like they are in heaven for example, non-stop netflix for days or napping almost the whole day, scrolling reels on Instagram for hours and hours, etc.

Here are some tips you can follow:


1) Stop squeezing multiple tasks to do in one day:

You should practice to make a day planner, it’s a good approach to manage all your daily life activities as well as work tasks.  By following this method you avoid stressing over as it is planned. Remember to include the time you want to get on the task and a realistic time how long it’s going to take to accomplish that. Also, your rest time in between or after the task. This is called setting goals that you can reach.


2) Time Management is a good remedy:

As referenced above, break time, tasks hours, and so on dealing with that is called time management methods. Time management will train you to be punctual and adhere to the plans that need your attention. Breaking down big tasks is a good habit, add some fun time in between and stick to it.
Learn to set realistic goals and challenge yourself to accomplish them by the end of the day. This time management technique is going to transform you if you follow it continuously for 30 days diligently.


3) Be Realistic:

Accomplishing objectives and working on propensities takes time and exertion; don't undermine yourself by having baseless expectations that you can't meet. Remind yourself daily that you’ll not set goals that cannot be achieved.


4) Finding motivation:

You have no idea what motivation can do for you, people become lazy when they lose interest in what they once enjoyed or loved doing. Staying motivated should be your topmost priority, find what moves you, gives you a boost to keep going on and pushes you to achieve your goals. If you feel bored and frustrated that indicates you’re not doing what you mean to do, find the work that you can relate to which makes you feel excited, inspires you to keep doing and keeps you connected mentally. Staying stuck in a job or work that doesn’t move you cannot keep you stay motivated.

Can procrastination lead to depression?

Our brain only understands the amount of stress it’s going through, and doesn't see the cause of it. You must learn how to handle stress/anxiety otherwise, you may again slip into depression without any realization. You can eliminate the same thing from happening by only following a disciple. Once you overcome procrastination, you’ll feel better and energetic. If you start to pay attention to the consequences of delaying your daily life functions and work, you’ll realize that you’re only escaping your problems instead of solving them which is only going to ruin your future.


What helps against procrastination:

  • Become self-reliant, and take responsibility.
  • Challenge yourself to finish tasks planned for each day.
  • While working keep your phone, tablet away.
  • Take a morning walk or go for a run every day.
  • Practice meditation and yoga to improve focus.
  • Change your diet, and add food items that improve brain function.
  • Read a book every day for 15 minutes at least.

Following these basic yet influential factors can alter your lifestyle and may help you develop a new perspective. To implement any changes you intend to make, start now and keep going until you succeed.

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