Heartfelt congratulations to Hailey and Justin on their pregnancy!

They are going to be parents soon; this news was shared by Justin and Hailey via their Instagram post.

In the video, we can see Hailey in a lacy white dress, which looks like nothing less than a wedding gown. Also, she is wearing sunglasses and a headdress similar to a veil. So not only are they announcing the arrival of Baby Bieber, but they have also renewed their marriage vows.

You can see a vow booklet in Hailey’s hand, which she is reading from while standing in front of Justin. Definitely, it’s a renewal of their marriage vows!

Today they marked a milestone in their marriage through thick and thin and they are now ready to become parents. According to TMZ, Hailey Bieber is six months pregnant. This news is not confirmed by the couple though. So, I guess we have to wait to find out more.

Let’s be honest, we have all witnessed what haters on the Internet have put them through ever since they got married. Irrespective of all of the hate and mean comments, Justin and Hailey stood by each other and supported each other.

Hailey has been trolled forever since; not only that, she has been blamed for breaking Selena and Justin’s relationship but also for copying her.

People need to come to an understanding that when it comes to love and marriage, you don’t have control over them. You don’t decide who you should fall in love with; you just know he or she is the one when you meet the person you’re supposed to be with.

However, the haters couldn’t digest it because, while Justin and Selena were dating, Justin used to meet Hailey and the other girls. He did cheat on Selena Gomez; he wasn't a good boy back then, and we all know that.

He changed when he fell in love with Hailey; he knew he'd marry her. 

However, the hate was directed towards Hailey, and it never ended, as if the Jelena fan group were enjoying it. Jelena fans not only made the couple’s life hell but also dragged Selena’s name into the drama. 

While Selena didn’t want to hear Justin’s name, Jelena fans kept implying she was supposed to be with Justin. Which was not only rude but selfish and disrespectful towards Selena Gomez.

This fan group was brutal and didn’t let Selena move on from the breakup and heal. They dragged Hailey through hell, causing mental trauma for all of them. They even speculated that after 5 years, Justin would leave Hailey because he married her for visa purposes.

But here they are renewing their marriage vows. I hope all of the haters will back off now and will not drag Baby Bieber into this love-hate drama.


All the best to both Hailey and Justin Bieber as they embark on their amazing journey into parenthood!

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