If you’re a health freak like me and always wonder what natural supplements are available on the market in today's time from which you can benefit without any side effects, then spirulina algae may attract you too.

What is Spirulina Algae?


Spirulina algae is a biomass of cyanobacteria also known as blue-green algae that grows in both alkaline freshwater at a high temperature and it can be consumed by humans and animals. Spirulina Algae is believed to be one of the oldest life forms on Earth and is a super food with high content such as protein, vitamins, minerals, carotenoids, and antioxidants that help protect cells from damage. It comes in powder form as well as tablets so that it can be taken as a dietary supplement. 

It is said that Spirulina Algae is over three billion years old and it was first discovered in north-central Africa in 1960 by accident. In 1940, it was the Belgian phycologist Pierre Dangeard who studied the food he consumed called Dihe, Dihe is used in cooking food by the ethnic group of Chad and in 1965 it was confirmed after a brief study that Spirulina algae is indeed used in Dihe. The spirulina is naturally harvested from small lakes and ponds around Lake Chad and used as a superfood from ancient times. 


What is spirulina algae used for?


Spirulina Algae became famous for its benefits such as protein, vitamins, and minerals and antioxidant properties. Spirulina can replace all of your supplements you have been taking because it alone can provide what our body needs for a better and sound health.
Here's what you need to know about spirulina:

  1. Spirulina Algae for protein:

    A 100g of spirulina powder contains 57.5 grams of protein. One tablespoon daily can give you approx 4-5g of protein. Spirulina Algae produces the antibodies type protein which helps fight infection or chronic illness.
  2. Enriched with vitamins and minerals:

    Vitamin B12, which is essential for maintaining healthy blood and nerve cells and helps form your DNA, happens to be particularly abundant in spirulina. Minerals such as calcium, iron, copper, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, potassium, chromium, zinc and sodium all that is needed to keep the mental and body health in balance is present in the spirulina algae.
  3. A powerful antioxidant:

    Numerous illnesses in humans are caused by oxidative stress and compromised immunity. Spirulina algae can provide required antioxidants that can neutralize free radicals in our body. Studies have shown antioxidants include glutathione, α-lipoic acid, carotenoids, flavonoids, and related polyphenols are very helpful in preventing cell damage and dangerous diseases.
  4. Beneficial for heart and eyes:

    Spirulina may help lower the risk of age-related macular degeneration and cataracts. Also, it contains a significant nutrient associated with eye health, that is called zeaxantuin, which is highly concentrated in spirulina. So taking Spirulina algae everyday will be a good supplement.
  5. It may reduce chances of cancer:

    Researchers have also looked into the potential anti-cancer properties of spirulina. Studies have shown that spirulina is helpful in preventing normal cells from damage and also removes free radicals from the body at the same time it can suppress the growth of cancer cells.
  6. Spirulina may increase healthy gut bacteria:

    Leaky gut syndrome is a common medical condition and the reason is generally, lack of good bacteria in our gut system. A weak immune system can lead the pathogenic bacteria, microbial toxins and undigested food particles to enter the bloodstream which later can cause other serious health issues. Spirulina has been found for improving the immune system's function by promoting growth of good bacteria. It can act as a probiotic on which good bacteria thrive and multiply and eventually that leads to lower inflammation.

Is Spirulina a bacteria or algae?

Spirulina comes under good bacteria which is a type of cyanobacterium however, that belongs to the algae family due to its photosynthetic life form, it is world widely known as blue-green algae.

It is safe to consume, highly nutritious as it contains various minerals and vitamins that our body requires in order to maintain health in the long run. It promotes good bacteria in our guts which may help cure leaky gut syndrome.


What are the 10 benefits of spirulina?


Spirulina algae has been in use for so many years and has so many great things to offer to human kind. Here are the 10 major benefits you can get from spirulina algae:


  1. Boosts the Immune System:

    Spirulina algae has the ability to boost the immune system by promoting the production of antibodies and immune cells. It can promote the good bacteria growth which is essential for absorption of nutrients, it may help people who are struggling with leaky gut syndrome, a condition where the pathogenic bacteria can travel through the bloodstream and later can cause serious health problems as well as severe acne.
  2. Multi-vitamins and minerals:

    Spirulina can replace all of the vitamin pills that you’re taking right now. Spirulina algae alone can provide you all of it. Spirulina Algae is called a superfood because of the benefits it can provide to our body.
  3. Detoxification:

    Spirulina may aid in detoxifying the body by helping to eliminate heavy metals, such as arsenic and cadmium from the system. It aids in detoxifying and cleansing the body of impurities and contaminants as it contains antioxidants in high volume which makes it a detox supplement for your body. You can add spirulina algae powder in your juice or plain water to make a detox drink.
  4. Heart Health:

    Our body needs triglycerides which is a type of fat in our blood, however an excess amount of triglycerides with cholesterol is a risk for the heart function. Spirulina is rich in antioxidants and omega-3 fatty acids which can reduce cholesterol levels and drop triglycerides to reduce strain on your heart. It’s important to consult with your doctor before planning to take spirulina for your heart. 
  5. Anti-Inflammatory Properties:

    If you’re someone who often has gut health issues and inflammation in the body is always a problem, you should consider giving spirulina a try to help your body heal, as per the studies, spirulina has potential anti-inflammatory effects, which may improve the condition associated with chronic inflammation.
  6. Diabetes:

    In a study, it is found that spirulina may reduce fasting blood sugar levels in type 2 diabetes. Although the study doesn’t claim that it can save the chances of getting diabetes however, it suggests that the beneficial effects could be a useful adjuvant therapy when used in conjunction with conventional medical care. Vaccines frequently contain adjuvants to strengthen the body's immunological response. Always consult with a doctor before adding new supplements in your diet if you have diabetes or any heart problems.
  7. Allergy Relief:

    Our immune system has a chemical called histamine that sends signals to cells whenever it finds any foreign protein that may cause issues in the body. Spirulina has anti-allergic properties that can stop release of histamines to prevent symptoms such as a sneezing, runny nose, watery eyes, and swelling.
  8. Weight Management:

    Spirulina helps weight loss by boosting the metabolism which would help you burn more calories everyday but ensure you’re taking spirulina as per prescription and not in excess amount as it may give you some side effects such as cramps, diarrhea, dizziness or vomiting. Also spirulina is high in protein and fibers which is helpful in gaining muscle and losing fat. 
  9. Muscle strength:

    For vegans it may be a good option to add more protein in their diet for muscle gain strength. Spirulina is a plant-based protein, which contains antibodies, this type of protein ensures that our body is protected against foreign bacteria and viruses.
  10. May treat psoriasis and eczema:

    Spirulina contains antioxidants and many vitamins and minerals which can boost collagen in the body naturally and give you healthy bones, muscles and younger looking skin. Apart from this, a study in 2020 was conducted, as per the reports spirulina indeed helped reduce the presence of psoriasis in mice. The antioxidants can reduce acne and eczema too, so it will be a great remedy for those who suffer from skin health issues.

Where spirulina is harvested?


Spirulina is found naturally in lakes or ponds which have warm alkaline freshwater. Spirulina is found in many parts of the world for example in Lake Texcoco in Mexico,in the largest spirulina lakes in Central Africa around Lakes Chad and Niger, and in East Africa along the Great Rift Valley.
Spirulina is now being harvested by companies and being exported to many parts of the world.
India, China and Malaysia are the countries which produce spirulina algae in an immense amount. Spirulina produced by India is majorly being exported to the United States, France and Netherlands.

The global spirulina market is expected to keep growing and may peak in the future as it is also claimed to be the food of the future and not only that spirulina algae got the hype because of NASA recommendation after use as a dietary supplement. Looking at its benefits to our body and mind we can say it is the food for the future indeed.


Why is spirulina algae expensive?


Spirulina is harvested in natural alkaline freshwater and in order to produce this algae the manufacturer needs specialized tools, a professional with knowledge and skill as well as technology which makes the process costly to obtain and maintain it while it’s growing. Maintenance is one of the most critical jobs in the world, lack of care may lead to contamination.
Contamination can cause a huge loss of production hence, continuous care and purity check is required and it is a process otherwise iit can be contaminated by insect or foreign bacteria, foreign algae or through or any amount of chlorine present in the water can also kill the algae.


Spirulina algae as tablets or powder?


Spirulina algae is supplied in the market in the form of tablets and powder both for easy consumption. There are so many companies and brands available in the market now, as the demand for it has increased overtime. If you’re someone who would like to take it as a drink, you can go for the powder form.
You can add it in your protein shake, juice, or soup, or you can simply mix it in a glass of water and drink straight, however, for some the taste and flavor might not be tolerable.
You can go for tablet form if you want, it’s easy to consume as prescribed by the brand on a daily basis for your daily nutrition. Make sure you are buying from a trustworthy brand by checking their process of production.

If you notice any side effects, discontinue the dose.
Take it only as prescribed.


Is spirulina safe?


Spirulina is considered to be 100% safe for the body however, where you’re buying from makes the difference because the care and attention during harvesting is the crucial step.
Studies and researches recommend not to use the product that hasn't been tested for contaminants or microcystins as it could be dangerous for the liver or heart.
Buy only from companies who have a lab certificate that verifies the products have been tested before packaging.

Many have claimed their benefits and noticed rare side effects like nausea or vomiting, diarrhea, headache, and dizziness. Spirulina is strictly not recommended during pregnancy, for children and people who have autoimmune syndrome.




Spirulina algae can take care of your daily intake of vitamins and minerals as well as it can protect your body against cancer, from free radicals. It can also boost your immunity and improve gut health.

Also some studies suggest that spirulina can lower blood pressure, blood sugar, and cholesterol levels as well as boost the body's antioxidant levels.

It’s one natural product which can solve many problems, however, it is important to incorporate in a healthy lifestyle for maximum benefits. You certainly should not rely on spirulina for weight management alone, adding physical activities and eating healthy will help you maintain overall weight and health both.


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