Tarot card reading for 9th of July

New day, new vibe, new beginnings…

Today, many of you are looking to transform your career, love and relationship. The confidence is coming from within, hope is there, and the future has great things for you.

Let’s read more messages coming from the cards.


The Emperor


The Hierophant

The Lovers


The Emperor, in the past, you’ve felt your willpower so weak that what once what you wanted so badly now seems not important.

You wanted to reach heights, but now you lack the zeal, motivation, and inspiration.

The card is telling you to buckle up and work on making your willpower strong again if you have lost it. There is success, abundance, and achievement waiting on your way, but you have to start working for it. Don’t lose hope because there's a positive outcome for your hard work. You have good karma, and time is close to reaping the fruits of it. You have the power to influence and make wise decisions.

Justice, your spirits are letting you know that justice will happen. You have good karma, and it’s time to enjoy the outcomes of it. You should not be wasting your time thinking about who wronged you in the past. They really want you to quit dwelling on negative thoughts and want you to work on healing yourself.

You’ll have support and guidance from the universe.


The Hierophant, you stand for righteousness, morals, and value. You’re truly your own therapist because you know the difference between right and wrong. However, emotions overwhelm you at times. 

You should ask, if the problem was not yours but others, what you would have advised them to do. You’ll know what the right thing to do is.

The Lovers, I sense many of you’re either single or unhappy in your love life; this is why you feel somehow lonely. To achieve emotional happiness, there are some decisions to make. If you have been holding onto it, you should reevaluate where you stand in this connection. Those who are single are feeling lonely; don’t lose hope. You’ll meet your person when the time is right. You should be patient and trust the timing.

Temperance, It is asking you to bring balance to your life, be patient, and avoid extremes at all costs. Your vision is clear about your goals and happiness, but something is perhaps blocking your path. You should know that the universe is with you and wants you to use your skill, as the Hierophant card shows that you’re your own advisor. You can sort it out, whatever it is.


This was the message Spirits had for you. Thanks for reading tarot cards daily. I hope that you find the message clear. Overall, the message is all about prioritizing yourself and putting your happiness, your wishes, and your desires above all else right now.

The days of struggles and hardships are numbered, but if you don't work on your issues that block your path and prevent luck from coming your way, you probably lose the opportunity to become abundant and successful in life. You have what it takes to be there; you need to learn to believe in yourself and prioritize your career goals before anything else.

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